Nutrition for Degenerative Arthritis

Osteoarthritis or what I like to call “wear and tear” arthritis is a result of abnormal wear on the joints of the body. This abnormal wear may be the result of an old accident or injury. That old football injury you suffered back in high school or car accident you had 10 years ago may now be beginning to show up in the form of arthritis as you are getting older. Osteoarthritis mainly affects the weight-bearing joints of the body like the knees, hips, and spine. One of the most common signs or symptoms of osteoarthritis (also known as degenerative joint disease or DJD) is pain and stiffness in the morning that gets better throughout the day. As you get older and especially if you have ever had a joint injury the cartilage and tissues surrounding the joints lose their ability to produce the lubricating fluids that keep the joints moving and you end up with stiff and achy joints.

Eating the rights foods and using nutritional supplements can help ease the pain of arthritis. If you give your body the proper nutrients that it needs for joint health you will enjoy a better quality of life. One of the main nutritional supplements for healthy joints is Glucosamine, glucosamine is a naturally occurring substance in our bodies, however if there has been a joint injury, the cells that produce it have been damaged. Therefore it is important to supplement with glucosamine, the generally accepted therapeutic dose if 1500mg/day. Chondroitin is another joint supplement that usually comes from extracts of shark cartilage or bovine cartilage, this supplement helps repair damaged joint tissues. Trace minerals ManganeseZinc and Copper are also important for joint health. Antioxidants such as vitamin C and phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables are beneficial as well.

To have joints that are less achy, focus on eating less processed foods such as breads and pasta and eat more fruits and vegetables (preferably raw or lightly cooked). These fruits and vegetables naturally contain many vitamins and minerals, like vitamin C, manganese, zinc and copper mentioned above. You may need to supplement with Glucosamine and chondroitin.

For more information on osteoarthritis and nutritional supplements contact our office.


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